KO trots over to the sweets, brings back a packet of minstrels.
“Mum, can I have this?”
Me: “No.”
He trots back and puts it back. Returns to me. Thinks.
Trots back to the sweets, picks up a kinder bueno egg, examines it carefully as if deep in thought. It passes muster. He brings it over.
“Mum, can I have this?”
Me: “No.”
He trots back and puts it back. Returns to me. Thinks.
Trots back to the sweets and picks up a massive Twix bar. Turns to me.
“Mum, can I …”
Me (interrupting him): “KO, what do you think I’m going to say?”
KO (wide-eyed): “No?”
Lady standing behind me in the queue laughs.