Me: Do you want spaghetti for dinner tonight?
KO: Let’s have just fruit. Only fruit.
Me: ?????
KO: Wait here.
[I sit on the sofa and wait. KO trots to the fruit bowl and back, each time depositing a piece of fruit on my lap. Eventually I’ve got 5 pears, 4 apples, and 2 bananas on my lap. He climbs up on the sofa beside me, snuggles up against me, and picks up an apple.]
KO: That’s all the fruit!
Me: Oh. Great.
[We sit there and chomp fruit.]
KO [chomping, gazes at all the fruit in front of us]: That’s a lot of fruit.
Me: Yeah.
KO: Do you think it will be too much for you?
Me: I think when I’m finished this pear, that’ll be enough for me.
KO: If it’s not, you can have a banana.
Me: Thanks.
[More chomping.]
KO: I did this to show you that I love you.
Me: Aw thanks darling!!
[More chomping.]
Me: Thanks for showing me that you love me. This dinner is really yummy.
KO: I know. Fruit is really yummy.